Unfortunately, we do not offer student discounts on packages. However, depending on the ski resort, you may qualify for Teen Lift Tickets which are cheaper compared to Adult Lift Tickets.
Do you offer student discounts on your Ski Packages?

Jennifer Henley
Commonly Asked Questions
Do you include airfares in your Package? Can I purchase flights with you?
We do not currently offer airfares as part of our Ski Packages. If you would like to purchase fli...
I'm having issues checking out/paying with my credit card
There are a number of reasons why you can't check out: Incorrect credit card number, expiry dat...
Can I pay off my package in installments? Do you offer payment plans?
Unfortunately, we do not offer payment plans. Your Ski Package may have a payment schedule where ...
I've been charged incorrectly or before payment was due
Occasionally, the hotel will fail to update their Payment Policy with us, resulting in the discre...