Sometimes passes may not connect to the correct account. If you are not seeing your passes in your account or unable to make a reservation, please contact us on 1800-891-2256 or alternatively contact Epic directly with your Epic pass numbers, name and date of birth.
Epic Pass: I logged into my Epic account but I don't see my passes?
Queena Yeung
Commonly Asked Questions
Do you include airfares in your Package? Can I purchase flights with you?
We do not currently offer airfares as part of our Ski Packages. If you would like to purchase fli...
I'm having issues checking out/paying with my credit card
There are a number of reasons why you can't check out: Incorrect credit card number, expiry dat...
Can I pay off my package in installments? Do you offer payment plans?
Unfortunately, we do not offer payment plans. Your Ski Package may have a payment schedule where ...
I've been charged incorrectly or before payment was due
Occasionally, the hotel will fail to update their Payment Policy with us, resulting in the discre...