General Booking Information
- Do you include airfares in your Package? Can I purchase flights with you?
- Can I book Equipment Rentals without Boots?
- About Us
- What is included in my Package?
- What is ski-in/ski-out?
- How do I customize my Lift Tickets, Equipment Rentals and Transfers?
- What will I need to ski?
- How do I book for a group of 12 or more people?
- How do I book for a group of 6 or more people?
- How do I purchase a gift card?
- Are there any Ski Packages where kids can stay and ski for free?
- What is the earliest/latest shuttle time between the airport and the Resort/Lodging?
- Can the Transfer Shuttle drop me off at a location other than the airport?
- Are food and/or meals included in my Ski Package?